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This 4th grade weathering and erosion unit is full of engaging digital activities with NO PREP for you! This resource includes: interactive Google slides, a digital weathering lab with minimal setup, a Kahoot! game tailored to match the slides, a self-grading quiz and more! cutting, printing, gluing, or laminating... Let's go!


Weathering & Erosion Google Slides include:

-practice with definitions of weathering and erosion

-sorting weathering and erosion examples

-video with note taking

-identifying the 3 types of weathering

-classifying forces of erosion in real-world examples

-making observations of a river changing over time using Google maps

-predicting cause-and-effect relationships between forces and erosion

-short answer learning checks

-answer key


Weathering Experiment Slides include:

-use of the scientific method to ask questions, make observations, write a hypothesis, design an experiment, identify variables, collect data and take measurements, analyze data, and write a conclusion

-grading rubric (in Google Sheets) for quick and easy grading

-answer key


Also included:

-Kahoot! review game that corresponds to material covered in slides

-self-grading quiz in Google forms

-lesson plans


*NGSS Alignment:

4-ESS2-1. Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects of weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation.


4-ESS2-2.Analyze and interpret datafrom maps to describepatterns ofEarth’s features.[Clarification Statement: Maps can include topographic maps of Earth’s land and ocean floor, as well as maps of the locations of mountains, continental boundaries, volcanoes, and earthquakes.]

Weathering & Erosion Interactive Google Slides

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