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Black History Month for Science Class - NGSS Practices
Women in Science Around the Room Gallery Walk- Women's History Month
Women's History Month - 5 Minute Daily Activities - Google Slides
Chemistry BINGO Games - BUNDLE
Chemistry BINGO - Chemical Formulas
Chemistry BINGO Game - Counting Atoms (Moles, Grams, Avogadro's Number) Edition
Chemistry BINGO - The Periodic Table Edition
Chemistry BINGO Game - Electron Configuration Edition
Chemistry BINGO Game - Stoichiometry Edition
Counting Atoms Coloring Page
Bohr Modeling and Valence Electron Practice Worksheet
Atomic Theory Gallery Walk -Google and Print
Engineering Process, Scientific Method, and CER Science Posters for Classroom
Chemical Bonding Activity Sheets
Glow-Stick Kinetic Energy- CER and NGSS Practices
Digital Atoms and Molecules Modeling Kit / Google Slides
Glow Science Party with Scientific Method and NGSS Integration
Intro to Graphing Interactive Google Slides - Bundle
Biomolecules Digital Activities - Google Compatible
Digital Chemistry Bell-Ringers for the Year